Table 7

Pantawid Program Impact on Household Expenditure

 Log per Capita Expenditure
Log per Capita Food Expenditure
Log per Capita Medical Expenditure
Log per Capita Education Expenditure
Log per Capita Alcohol and Tobacco Expenditure
Log per Capita Savings
OLS only controlling for municipality0.005
Additional information:
    Number of observations833833830830833822
    Observations in control group422422422421422415
    Observations in treatment group411411408409411407
    Mean in control group9.3578.9172.9694.4531.087−0.666
    Mean in treatment group9.3458.8593.1084.6520.988−0.551
  • Notes: Estimates of program impact on household expenditure or savings. Sample restricted to eligible households with children aged 10–14. Standard errors are clustered at the village level. *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.