Table 3

Pantawid Program Impact on Children’s Participation in Economic Activities

  Pay and LocationTypes of OccupationsDays Worked
Any Work
Work for Pay, Outside Own Household
Work for Pay, Inside Own Household
Work without Pay, Outside Own Household
Work Without Pay, Inside Own Household
Laborers and Unskilled Workers
Farmers, Forestry Workers, and Fishermen
Days Worked
Days Worked for Pay, Outside Own Household
OLS only controlling for municipality and child age0.038
Additional information:
    Number of observations1,2641,2641,2641,2641,2641,2641,2641,2641,2611,263
    Observations in control group627627627627627627627627625626
    Observations in treatment group637637637637637637637637636637
    Mean in control group0.2010.1160.0320.0380.0880.1440.0780.0085.9062.851
    Mean in treatment group0.2420.1550.0300.0300.1020.1880.0770.0137.8844.666
    Conditional mean in control group        29.76623.182
    Conditional mean in treatment group        32.77127.519
  • Notes: Estimates of program impact on work by children aged 10–14 from eligible households in the 12 months prior to the interview. Standard errors are clustered at the village level. Conditional means are means conditional on positive days worked or positive days worked for pay outside own household.

  • * p < 0.1,

  • ** p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.