Table 6

Heterogeneous Effects: Targeted vs Broad Prenatal Expansions

NHIS OutcomesChronic Condition IndexComponents of IndexVery Good or Excellent HealthKessler 6 Score
DiabetesHigh Blood PressureObesityHeart Attack or Other Heart Disease
Targeted eligibility−0.683***
Broad eligibility−0.019
NIS OutcomesAll Visits (Excl. Pregnancy-Related)Chronic Condition Related VisitsType of Chronic Condition VisitMental Health Related Visit
Diabetes/ ObesityHigh Blood Pressure/ Heart Related
Targeted eligibility−0.281*
Broad eligibility−0.0363
ACS OutcomesHigh School GraduateSome College or MorePersonal Income (Logs)Food Stamps
Targeted eligibility0.031**
Broad eligibility0.003
  • Notes: This table displays IV results from two separate regressions that estimate the effects of the targeted and broad Medicaid eligibility expansions. The sample for broad eligibility expansions is limited to cohorts born in 1987 and later. NHIS and ACS regressions include individual characteristics, state of birth, year of birth, survey year dummies, state of birth by birth year characteristics, and state of birth trends in birth year. NIS regressions include include state by year and birth year fixed effects, state by birth year control variables, and state trends in birth year. Significance levels:

  • * p < 0.1,

  • ** p < 0.05,

  • *** p < 0.01.