Table 6

Maternal Education Effects (Instrumental Variables)

Test ScoresHeight-for-Age: In Utero and Age 0–2
IV Maternal Education
IV Maternal Education Interaction
IV Maternal Education
IV Maternal Education Interaction
Distance from fault line (km)0.017***
Mother completed primary school1.627***
Mother’s education * Distance−0.143**
Dependent variable mean    0.135    0.135−1.657−1.657
Number of observations    1,723    1,723    1,275    1,275
Cragg–Donald F-statistic  39.905    8.644  36.570  11.925
Geographic controlsXXXX
Maternal controlsXXXX
Age dummiesXXXX
  • Notes: This table reports regression results for effects of the earthquake on early childhood development during the follow-up survey four years later, as measured by the coefficient of current outcomes on distance to the activated fault line. These regressions specifically examine the potential for mitigation by maternal education using an IV specification and include the level effect and the fault line distance interaction term, instrumented by the availability of a girls’ school in the mother’s birth village at enrollment age. The dependent variables are indicated in column names. The regressions include controls for distance to the earthquake epicenter, local slope, distance to the nearest fault line, and district fixed effects, as well as indicator variables for the age of the child. Significance:

  • * p < 0.1,

  • ** p < 0.05,

  • *** p < 0.01.