Distance to Fault Line and Pre-Earthquake Characteristic Exogeneity
Distance to Fault Line Coefficient (1) | N (2) | R2 (3) | Mean (4) | MDE (5) | |
Villages (1998 Village Census) | |||||
Total population | −18.377 19.625 | 126 | 0.186 | 1,988.222 | 55.414 |
Male population | −9.412 10.037 | 126 | 0.182 | 989.214 | 28.342 |
Female population | −8.965 9.623 | 126 | 0.189 | 999.008 | 27.172 |
Muslim population | −18.273 19.543 | 126 | 0.186 | 1,981.738 | 55.182 |
Literacy rate | −0.000 0.001 | 125 | 0.401 | 0.457 | 0.003 |
Proportion with primary education | −0.002* 0.001 | 126 | 0.354 | 0.389 | 0.002 |
Proportion females with secondary education | −0.000 0.000 | 126 | 0.143 | 0.025 | 0.001 |
Average household size | −0.024** 0.011 | 126 | 0.252 | 6.848 | 0.031 |
Number of permanent houses | −0.755 1.259 | 120 | 0.200 | 127.500 | 3.555 |
Number of houses with electricity | −2.324 2.028 | 112 | 0.130 | 189.670 | 5.731 |
Number of houses with potable water | −1.269 0.971 | 100 | 0.167 | 60.800 | 2.749 |
Village infrastructure index | −0.013 0.009 | 126 | 0.154 | 0.397 | 0.025 |
Adults 18+ during Survey (2009 Household Census and Survey) | |||||
Male height (cm) | 0.020 0.027 | 2,735 | 0.020 | 167.512 | 0.075 |
Female height (cm) | 0.046** 0.023 | 2,834 | 0.007 | 157.164 | 0.064 |
Male age (living) | 0.008 0.010 | 36,755 | 0.001 | 36.554 | 0.028 |
Female age (living) | 0.026** 0.010 | 33,273 | 0.002 | 35.052 | 0.028 |
Males completed primary school (living) | −0.000 0.001 | 44,495 | 0.025 | 0.636 | 0.003 |
Females completed primary school (living) | −0.002 0.001 | 40,474 | 0.024 | 0.315 | 0.004 |
Male age (deceased) | 0.268*** 0.079 | 1,459 | 0.066 | 56.883 | 0.222 |
Female age (deceased) | 0.151* 0.088 | 950 | 0.115 | 45.609 | 0.248 |
Males completed primary school (deceased) | 0.000 0.005 | 75 | 0.079 | 0.280 | 0.013 |
Females completed primary school (deceased) | −0.004 0.004 | 71 | 0.074 | 0.239 | 0.011 |
Male age (all) | 0.018* 0.010 | 38,214 | 0.001 | 37.330 | 0.029 |
Female age (all) | 0.024** 0.009 | 34,223 | 0.002 | 35.345 | 0.026 |
Males completed primary school (all) | −0.000 0.001 | 44,570 | 0.025 | 0.635 | 0.003 |
Females completed primary school (all) | −0.002 0.001 | 40,545 | 0.026 | 0.315 | 0.004 |
Households (2009 Household Survey) | |||||
Recall | |||||
Electricity in house | −0.009*** 0.002 | 2,456 | 0.108 | 0.854 | 0.007 |
Water in house | −0.003 0.002 | 2,456 | 0.042 | 0.445 | 0.006 |
Permanent house | −0.003 0.002 | 2,456 | 0.103 | 0.380 | 0.006 |
Distance to closest market (min.) | 0.237 0.336 | 2,452 | 0.089 | 54.675 | 0.948 |
Distance to closest water source (min.) | 0.056 0.051 | 2,456 | 0.030 | 9.660 | 0.145 |
Distance to closest medical facility (min.) | −0.086 0.290 | 2,444 | 0.069 | 57.861 | 0.820 |
Distance to closest private school (min.) | −0.112 0.251 | 2,372 | 0.039 | 44.565 | 0.709 |
Distance to closest government school (min.) | 0.022 0.085 | 2,454 | 0.035 | 21.047 | 0.239 |
Measured | |||||
Distance to closest water source (km) | 0.052 0.035 | 2,456 | 0.215 | 3.056 | 0.098 |
Distance to closest health clinic (km) | 0.122*** 0.043 | 2,456 | 0.344 | 5.361 | 0.122 |
Distance to closest private school (km) | 0.102** 0.045 | 2,456 | 0.255 | 3.355 | 0.127 |
Distance to closest boys school (km) | 0.090* 0.050 | 2,456 | 0.251 | 1.131 | 0.141 |
Distance to closest girls school (km) | 0.009 0.023 | 2,456 | 0.047 | 1.290 | 0.064 |
Notes: This table reports the results from a regression specification on pre-earthquake characteristics by distance to the activated fault line. The coefficient on distance to the fault line is reported, along with the number of observations, the R-squared, and the overall mean of the variable. All regressions include controls for distance to the earthquake epicenter, local slope, and district fixed effects. Measured distance to water is replaced by zero when recall survey notes that water was available in the house. For all regressions, we report the absolute value of the minimum detectable effect size at 80 percent power, calculated as the center of the t-distribution for which 80 percent of the probability mass falls outside the critical 5 percent value determined by the standard error and degrees of freedom of the corresponding point estimate.