Dependent Variable: Labor Supply Indicator | Household Chores | ||
Variables | Adults | Children | Children |
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
Mobile money | –0.029 (0.062) | –0.185 (0.123) | 0.128 (0.104) |
Rainfall shock | –0.013 (0.010) | –0.042** (0.018) | –0.029 (0.019) |
Interaction (MM × RS) | 0.077* (0.040) | 0.113* (0.066) | 0.184** (0.076) |
Overall effect | 0.064** (0.032) | 0.071 (0.053) | 0.155*** (0.061) |
Mean outcome | 0.171 | 0.043 | 0.317 |
Individual fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Year fixed effects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Controls | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Observations | 6,172 | 1,130 | 5,230 |
R-squared | 0.142 | 0.031 | 0.023 |
↵Notes: The entries of the table report the DiD coefficients of mobile money, rainfall shock and their interaction term on weekly wage labor supply of individuals. The labor supply indicator takes a value of one if an individual engaged in an activity rewarding a wage in the last seven days, and zero otherwise. Column 1 reports estimates for individuals over 18 years of age, while Column 2 reports estimates for children aged 5–18. The outcome variable in Column 3 is an indicator and takes a value of one if a child participates in household chores (collecting firewood or other fuel material and fetching water), and zero otherwise, and refers to the day before the survey. See notes in Table 3 (Column 2) for the specification and the set of controls used in the estimations. In addition to household-level controls, age and gender of individuals are used as additional individual controls in all regressions. Robust standard errors, clustered at the enumeration area, are reported in parentheses. Significance: p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.