Table 3

OLS Estimations of Overage Metric Designs

Weighted Average Overage across All Industries [OVER1]
Weighted Average Overage Using Three Largest Industries for Ethnic Group [OVER2]
Average of Three Largest Overage Ratios for Ethnic Group [OVER3]
Largest Overage Ratio for Ethnic Group [OVER4]
Panel A: Baseline Estimation without Controls
Inverse of log ethnic group size (small groups have larger values)0.582***0.458***0.578***0.526***
Isolation of ethnic group0.325***0.423***0.234***0.160**
Adjusted R-squared value0.3730.2980.3350.280
Panel B: Including Controls for Ethnic Group’s Traits
Inverse of log ethnic group size (small groups have larger values)0.465***0.335***0.507***0.466***
Isolation of ethnic group0.447***0.531***0.342***0.258***
Adjusted R-squared value0.4550.3800.3640.291
  • Notes: See Table 1 notes. Estimations consider variations in the overage metric design.