Table 4

Exclusion Restriction Validity Checks

Planned BirthShoulder DystociaBrachial Plexus InjuryLength of StayMaternal Complications
Normal shift0.130***0.000−0.000**0.031*0.001*
Pre-leisure day0.013***0.000−0.0000.0220.000
Normal shift * Pre-leisure0.001−0.000*−0.0000.005−0.001*
Adjusted R20.0830.0030.0020.2250.009
Mean of Y0.2360.0010.0025.2260.010
First-stage F-statistic0.3352.9040.1130.0192.936
  • Notes: This table shows the results of regressing different proxy measures of quality of care on the instrument (Normal shift * Pre-leisure), controlling for normal shift, pre-leisure day, hospital, year, and month-of-birth fixed effects and the full set of controls as described in Equation 2. The outcome in Column 1 is a dummy equal to one if the birth was planned (planned C-section or induction) and zero otherwise. In Column 2, the dependent variable is a dummy for shoulder dystocia during childbirth, and in Column 3, a dummy for brachial plexus injury. In Column 4, the dependent variable is mother’s length of stay (in days), and the sample is restricted to mothers who delivered by C-section. Finally, in Column 5, the outcome is a dummy equal to one if the mother is diagnosed with any complication related to the puerperium within one week from the delivery (ICD-10 Codes: O85–O92). Here the sample is restricted to single births, unscheduled C-sections, and vaginal births that take place on working days. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Significance: *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.