Table 6 Impact of Future Homicide Rates on Labor Outcomes for Respondents Aged 18–70 in MxFLS1—Individual Fixed Effects Comparing Same Individual in MxFLS1 and MxFLS2
Worked Last Week4√Hours Worked Last 12 Months4√Hourly Earnings4√Total Earnings Last 12 Months
Panel A: Self-Employed Men
4√Homicide rate last 12 months0.00−
Sample size1,7501,7131,3001,315
Panel B: Wage-Employed Men
4√Homicide rate last 12 months0.00−
Sample size3,8483,8053,3193,343
Panel C: Self-Employed Women
4√Homicide rate last 12 months−−0.36
Sample size854823371380
Panel D: Wage-Employed Women
4√Homicide rate last 12 months0.01−
Sample size1,7591,7311,1761,182
  • Note: All models include marital status, household composition, rural/urban, migration expectations, preferences, emotional status, presence of relatives in the United States, year and quarter of interview, and state GDP. Standard errors clustered at the MxFLS1 municipality level in brackets. *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.