Table 2 Relationship between Measures of Violence in MxFLS3 and the Change in the Homicide Rate between MxFLS2 and MxFLS3
Positive Probability of Being Assaulted = 100Fear of Being Assaulted during the Day =100Fear of Being Assaulted during the Night = 100Feels Less Safe Than 5 Years Ago = 100Go out at Night Very Frequently or Frequently = 100Go out Less Than 5 Years Ago = 100
Panel A: Men and Women
Change in the homicide rate between MxFLS2 and MxFLS30.127***0.165***0.148***0.283***−0.065**0.255***
Sample size7,4577,4577,4577,4577,4577,457
Panel B: Men
Change in the homicide rate between MxFLS2 and MxFLS30.120***0.148***0.134***0.261***−0.066**0 249***
Sample size4,9544,9544,9544,9544,9544,954
Panel C: Women
Change in the homicide rate between MxFLS2 and MxFLS30.149**0.207**0.182***0.334***−0.066*0.266***
Sample size2,5032,5032,5032,5032,5032,503
  • Notes: Controls for differences in age, education, marital status, household composition, labor force participation, occupation, earnings, per capita expenditure, rural place of residence, presence of relatives in United States, unemployment rate at the municipality level, and state GDP per capita. Standard errors clustered at MxFLS2 municipality level in brackets, *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.