Table 5

Contemporaneous Effects in Seventh Grade

Female student0.0280.0880.0500.0350.058
Female teacher in Grade 7−0.061−0.0640.0230.0090.029−0.041
Female student × Female teacher in Grade 70.139**0.148**0.147***0.161***0.147**0.187**0.190***
School × Subject FEsYes
School × Subject × Ability group FEsYesYesYesYesYes
Student controlsYesYes
Teacher controlsYesYes
Student FEsYesYes
Teacher FEsYes
  • Notes: Each column shows results from a separate regression with standardized seventh grade test score as the dependent variable. Student controls include family income, number of siblings, and indicators for parents living together, both parents working, at least one parent having college degree or higher, and the student having attended a private elementary school. Teacher controls include teacher’s age and indicators for having less than five years of experience, graduating from a teachers college, having a graduate degree, and having administrative teacher responsibility. In Columns 6 and 7, female student and female teacher indicators are subsumed by student fixed effects and teacher fixed effects, respectively. Ability grouping is defined by seventh grade ability groups. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered at school level. *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.