All Displacements (1) | Closures Only (2) | |
Displacement year − 2 | − 0.050* (0.029) | − 0.094* (0.055) |
Displacement year − 1 | − 0.129*** (0.037) | − 0.187*** (0.069) |
Displacement year | − 0.322*** (0.041) | − 0.336*** (0.085) |
Displacement year + 1 | − 0.375*** (0.047) | − 0.370*** (0.087) |
Displacement year + 2–3 | − 0.277*** (0.044) | − 0.273*** (0.081) |
Displacement year + 4–5 | − 0.207*** (0.049) | − 0.235*** (0.091) |
Displacement year + 6–7 | − 0.275*** (0.052) | − 0.275*** (0.098) |
Displacement year + 8 + | − 0.380*** (0.054) | − 0.409*** (0.089) |
Individual observations | 4,042 | 2,917 |
Notes: All regressions include individual fixed effects, year fixed effects, and a quadratic in husband’s age.
The omitted category is never having a displaced husband or three or more years prior to a husband’s displacement.
Standard error estimates, clustered on the individual, are displayed in parentheses. Regressions are weighted using the family weight from the last year women are observed with their first husband.
↵* significant at 10 percent;
** significant at 5 percent;
↵*** significant at 1 percent