Table 4

Regressions of Outcomes on Health Problems at Age 0–3, Birth Weight, and Health at Birth

On Social AssistanceGrade 12 by Age 17College MathLiteracy Score
Number of major conditions, age 0-30.010**
ADHD/conduct, ages 0-30.016**
Asthma, ages 0-3−0.004
Major injury, ages 0–30.004
Birth weight < =1,000 grams−0.026
1,000 < birth weight < = 1,5000.038*
1,500 < birth weight < = 2,5000.011
2,500 < birth weight < = 3,500−0.001
Number of congenital/perinatal problems 0–30.004
Mean of outcome0.0550.6910.214−0.014
Number of fixed effects22,692
Number of observations50,404
  • Notes: Standard errors in brackets. Each column reports the results of a regression (or linear probability model) for the outcome listed in that column. On Social Assistance, Reaching Grade 12 by Age 1, and Taking College Math are 0/1 variables. The literacy score is normalized (0,1). In addition to the controls listed, all regressions also include mother fixed effects and controls for marital status, sex of the child, mother’s age at birth, dummy variables for birth order of the child, family size, and year of birth indicators. * denotes statistical significance at the 10 percent level. ** denotes significance at the 5 percent level.