Table 7

Characteristics of pre- and postretiremen t jobs

Preretirement JobsPartial Retirement JobsUnretirement Jobs
Median hourly wage ($)     15.2     10.3       8.4       9.0
Median annual earnings ($)28,210.010,681.02,089.07,863.0
Ratio post/pre-eamings × 100 (median)     100.0     56.8       7.6     30.0
Hours worked per week     40.2     19.8     18.9     42.2
Weeks worked per year     49.4     41.8     36.1     49.6
Percent self-employed     19.6     31.6     24.0     27.8
Percent with employer health insurance     63.9     44.2     35.5     48.3
Job requirements (percentage)
    Job is stressful all or most of time     62.0     33.9     23.1     39.7
    Job requires “lots of physical effort”     33.7     29.6     27.8     34.2
    Job requires stooping/kneeling     23.1     19.9     20.5     23.3
    Job requires good eyesight     89.8     86.2     80.2     89.2
    Job requires heavy lifting     13.2     10.2       7.7     12.2
Industry (percent distribution)
    Ag/forestry/mining/construction     10.5     12.1     12.8     18.4
    Manufacturing     23.5     11.2       8.4     15.5
    Whole sale/retail     13.6     18.1     16.1     14.5
    Services     52.4     58.6     62.8     51.6
Occupation (percent distribution)
    Managerial/professional specialty     37.8     32.3     26.7     25.8
    Sales/admin support     26.1     27.9     29.7     32.6
    Services     12.0     16.9     15.3     13.6
    Precision production/craft/repair     13.6     13.0     12.7     16.6
    Operators/laborers     10.5       9.8     15.6     11.4
  • Notes: All figures based on combined hours and self-reported retirement definition. Preretirement job characteristics are shown for partial retirees and unretirees only. Dollar amounts in 2000 dollars.