All 1 | High Destruction 2 | Low Destruction 3 | Difference 4 | |
Rubble in m3 per capita | 10.26 (7.53) | 17.13 (5.12) | 4.66 (3.37) | 12 47*** (0.13) |
Housing units destroyed (%) | 33.35 (21.36) | 50.90 (12.41) | 19.03 (15.66) | 31.87*** (3.46) |
Total bombs in tons | 15,34 (18,66) | 24,35 (22,79) | 7,99 (9,77) | 16,36*** (4,09) |
Area in km2 in 1938 | 161.06 (189.50) | 228.79 (246.77) | 105.82 (98.202) | 122.97** (43.69) |
Population density in 1939 | 1,785.89 (775.81) | 1,986.48 (847.81) | 1,622.25 (679.82) | 364.23** (183.85) |
Income per capita in 1938 | 458.09 (108.89) | 498.22 (80.78) | 410.32 (120.16) | 87.90*** (9.78) |
Distance to London in miles | 424.58 (87.27) | 388.33 (72.94) | 454.14 (87.59) | −65.81*** (19.69) |
Jewish population (%) | 1.09 (0.77) | 1.17 (0.86) | 0.94 (0.53) | 0.23 (0.24) |
N | 69 | 31 | 38 | 69 |
Notes: Data are from the 1939 and 1949 German Municipalities Statistical Yearbooks. The sample consists of Spatial Planning Regions (ROR) in former West Germany. Standard deviations are in parentheses. The sample is divided as above and below destruction using rubble in m3 per capita as a measure of war destruction.