Stayers | Switchers | Leavers | Replacements | |
Principal-assigned Danielson FFT rating | 2.98*** (0.55) | 2.53 (0.63) | 2.54 (0.59) | 2.82*** (0.52) |
Number of teachers with principal ratings | 294 | 42 | 21 | 137 |
External observer-assigned Danielson FFT rating | 2.72* (0.30) | 2.62 (0.31) | 2.58 (0.27) | 2.62 (0.32) |
Number of teachers with external observer ratings | 109 | 27 | 15 | 44 |
Notes: Mean (standard deviation) of FFT ratings reported. FFT ratings for individual teachers are averaged across all components (within an observation) and then across all observations. Research evidence supports that individual component ratings should receive equal weight within an observation (Kane et al. 2011, Garrett and Steinberg 2015). For stayers, switchers, and leavers, FFT ratings are from the 2008–2009 school year; for replacements, FFT ratings are from the 2009–10 school year. In 2008–2009, we have FFT ratings for 65 percent of nontenured teachers and 18 percent of tenured teachers in Cohort 1 schools. Of tenured teachers who had low prior evaluation ratings (Unsatisfactory or Satisfactory), 63 percent have FFT ratings. The 2008–2009 school year was an off year for tenured teacher evaluations, so central office only asked principals to submit FFT ratings for nontenured teachers. Because of the low-stakes nature of EITP, central office asked but did not require principals to enter ratings, so FFT ratings data do not cover all teachers in the sample. Statistical significance of I-tests comparing the ratings of stayers to leavers/switchers and replacements to leavers/switchers are indicated by
↵* 10 percent,
** 5 percent, and
↵*** 1 percent levels.