Table 1

Prenatal Cortisol and Maternal Characteristics

Cross-Sectional Differences in Prenatal Cortisol LevelsWithin Family Differences in Prenatal Cortisol Levels
NormalHighPercent DifferenceNormalHighPercent Difference
Black    0.08    0.17113    0.10    0.10    0
Single during pregnancy    0.05    0.08  60    0.04    0.08  85
Single at age seven    0.12    0.15  25    0.13    0.17  28
Income at birth$26,800$21,147−21$26,570$22,105−17
Income at age seven$36,800$30,300−18$35,850$33,849  −6
Maternal education  11.4  10.80  −5  11.28  11.28    0
Maternal age  24.7  23.60  −4  24.47  24.40    0
Birth order    2.9    3.00    3    2.97    2.84  −4
Male    0.4    0.45  13    0.43    0.32−26
Observations  308  78  27  27    0
  • Notes: All of the cross-family differences with the exception of birth order and male are statistically significant.

  • None of the differences within family are statistically significant.