Table 2

Teacher Characteristics

Teacher CharacteristicAll Non-EITP CPS Elementary School TeachersTreatment School TeachersControl School TeachersP-Value of Difference Between EITP and Non-EITP MeansP-Value of Difference Between Treatment and Control Means
    Early childhood0.
    Special education0.
    National board0.
Prior evaluation rating
Experience in CPS
    Years teaching10.62
    1–3 years0.
    4–10 years0.
    10–20 years0.350.370.350.4600.470
    >20 years0.
Turnover rate
    Teachers leaving0.
        CPS in 2007–2008
    Number of teachers12,0941,2481,463
  • Notes: Mean (standard deviation) are reported for the 2008–2009 school year. Prior evaluation rating is a teacher’s summative year-end evaluation rating for the 2006–2007 or 2007–2008 school years. No teachers in treatment schools were rated Unsatisfactory, while only three teachers in control schools were rated Unsatisfactory. Experience in CPS is years teaching in CPS and does not include any years teaching outside of CPS. There are 566 teachers in the EITP treatment and control schools missing a prior evaluation rating; 116 of these teachers are in their first year; the other teachers could be missing ratings for various reasons, including successfully grieving a rating. The p-value of the difference between treatment and control teachers is adjusted for area fixed effects to account for the unit of randomization as well as for the clustering of teachers in schools.