Table 5

IV Estimates of the Effect of Average Medicaid Eligibility at Birth and During Childhood on Educational Attainment

Medicaid Age EligibilityAge ZeroAge Zero, One to 17
No high school
    Age zero eligibility−0.006
    Age one to 17 eligibility−0.038***
Any college
    Age zero eligibility−0.016
    Age one to 17 eligibility0.032
BA plus
    Age zero eligibility−0.024*
    Age one to 17 eligibility0.062*
  • Source: Authors’ estimation of Equations 3 and 4 in the text using 22–29-year-old respondents from the 2005–12 ACS.

  • Notes: All estimates include an indicator for the cell being nonwhite or not, race-by-age fixed effects, race-by-calendar year fixed effects, and race-by-state of birth fixed effects. “FE” estimates are from Equation 4 and include race by state of birth by calendar year (R-S-Y) fixed effects and race by age by calendar year (R-A-Y) fixed effects. Standard errors clustered at the state of birth level are in parentheses:

  • *** indicates significance at the 1 percent level,

  • ** indicates significance at the 5 percent level, and

  • * indicates significance at the 10 percent level.