- You have accessRestricted accessA Field Experiment on Labor Market Speeddates for Unemployed WorkersView ORCID ProfileBas van der Klaauw and View ORCID ProfileLennart ZieglerJournal of Human Resources, January 2025, 60 (1) 259-288; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1021-11946R2Bas van der KlaauwBas van der Klaauw is a professor of economics at VU University Amsterdam and a research fellow at the Tinbergen Institute.Lennart ZieglerLennart Ziegler is an assistant professor of economics at the University of Vienna.
- Open AccessTeamwork and Human Capital DevelopmentView ORCID ProfileChunchao Wang, Aiping Xiao and View ORCID ProfileYu ZhouJournal of Human Resources, September 2024, 59 (5) 1425-1457; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0121-11400R2Chunchao WangChunchao Wang is a professor of economics at Jinan University.Aiping XiaoAiping Xiao is an assistant professor of economics at Guangdong University of Finance (Joint first author).Yu ZhouYu Zhou is an associate professor of economics at Liaoning University (corresponding author: .
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- You have accessRestricted accessTesting Attrition Bias in Field ExperimentsDalia Ghanem, Sarojini Hirshleifer and Karen Ortiz-BecerraJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 0920-11190R2; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0920-11190R2Dalia GhanemDalia Ghanem is an associate professor of agricultural and resource economics at University of California, Davis ().Sarojini HirshleiferSarojini Hirshleifer is an assistant professor of economics at University of California, Riverside and CEGA ().Karen Ortiz-BecerraKaren Ortiz-Beccera is an assistant professor of economics at the University of San Diego ().
- You have accessRestricted accessCollege Summer SchoolEducational Benefits and Enrollment PreferencesAndy Brownback and Sally SadoffJournal of Human Resources, May 2024, 0122-12151R1; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0122-12151R1Andy BrownbackAndy Brownback, University of Arkansas, Department of Economics, 220 N. McIlroy Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701; .Sally SadoffSally Sadoff, UC San Diego, Rady School of Management, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093; .
- Open AccessRemedial EducationEvidence from a Sequence of Experiments in ColombiaHoracio Alvarez Marinelli, View ORCID ProfileSamuel Berlinski and View ORCID ProfileMatias BussoJournal of Human Resources, January 2024, 59 (1) 141-174; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0320-10801R2Horacio Alvarez MarinelliHoracio Alvarez Marinelli is a Senior Economist at the Education Division of the Inter-American Development Bank.Samuel BerlinskiSamuel Berlinski is Principal Economist at the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank.Matias BussoMatias Busso is a Principal Economist at the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank.
- You have accessRestricted accessOne Step at a TimeThe Effects of an Early Literacy Text-Messaging Program for Parents of PreschoolersBenjamin N. York, Susanna Loeb and Christopher DossJournal of Human Resources, July 2019, 54 (3) 537-566; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.54.3.0517-8756RBenjamin N. YorkBenjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Christopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation.Susanna LoebBenjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Christopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation.Christopher DossBenjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Christopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation.
- You have accessRestricted accessMore Than Just a NudgeSupporting Kindergarten Parents with Differentiated and Personalized Text MessagesChristopher Doss, Erin M. Fahle, Susanna Loeb and Benjamin N. YorkJournal of Human Resources, July 2019, 54 (3) 567-603; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.54.3.0317-8637RChristopher DossChristopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation. Erin Fahle is an Assistant Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at the School of Education at St. John’s University. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Benjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies.Erin M. FahleChristopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation. Erin Fahle is an Assistant Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at the School of Education at St. John’s University. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Benjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies.Susanna LoebChristopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation. Erin Fahle is an Assistant Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at the School of Education at St. John’s University. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Benjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies.Benjamin N. YorkChristopher Doss is an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation. Erin Fahle is an Assistant Professor of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at the School of Education at St. John’s University. Susanna Loeb is the Director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education and International and Public Affairs. Benjamin N. York is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ParentPowered Technologies.
- Open AccessChild Schooling and Child Work in the Presence of a Partial Education SubsidyJacobus de Hoop, Jed Friedman, Eeshani Kandpal and Furio C. RosatiJournal of Human Resources, March 2019, 54 (2) 503-531; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.54.2.0317.8627R1Jacobus de HoopSocial policy specialist at the UNICEF Office of Research–Innocenti in Florence.Jed FriedmanSenior economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank in Washington, DC.Eeshani KandpalEconomist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank in Washington, DC.Furio C. RosatiProfessor of economics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.”