- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effect of High Dismissal Protection on Bureaucratic Turnover and ProductivityRicardo Estrada and María LombardiJournal of Human Resources, June 2024, 0523-12901R2; DOI: EstradaRicardo Estrada is a Principal economist at the Research Department in CAF–development Bank of Latin America (email: ).María LombardiMaría Lombardi is an Assistant Professor at the School of Government of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (email: ).
- Open AccessReducing Parent-School Information Gaps and Improving Education Outcomes: Evidence from High-Frequency Text MessagesSamuel Berlinski, Matias Busso, Taryn Dinkelman and Claudia Martínez A.Journal of Human Resources, December 2022, 1121-11992R2; DOI: BerlinskiBerlinski: Inter-American Development Bank and IZA, .Matias BussoBusso: Inter-American Development Bank, .Taryn DinkelmanDinkelman: University of Notre Dame, NBER, BREAD, CEPR and IZA, .Claudia Martínez A.Martínez A.: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, J-PAL and Millennium Nucleus on Intergenerational Mobility: From Modelling to Policy (MOVI) [NCS2021072], .