- You have accessRestricted accessThe Value of a Higher ACT Exam ScoreKareem Haggag, Emily Leslie, Devin Pope and Nolan PopeJournal of Human Resources, November 2024, 0922-12537R2; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0922-12537R2Kareem HaggagKareem Haggag () is an Assistant Professor of Behavior and Decision Making at UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Faculty Research Fellow at NBEREmily LeslieEmily Leslie () is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Brigham Young UniversityDevin PopeDevin Pope () is a Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a Research Associate at NBERNolan PopeNolan Pope () is an Associate Professor of Economics at University of Maryland
- You have accessRestricted accessBirth Cohort Size Variation and the Estimation of Class Size EffectsMaximilian Bach and Stephan SievertJournal of Human Resources, August 2024, 0919-10430R2; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0919-10430R2Maximilian BachMaximilian Bach (corresponding author, [email protected]) works at the Federal Statistical Office of Germany. He was a researcher in the Department of Labour Markets and Social Insurance at ZEW Mannheim when this paper was written. Part of this paper were written while he was a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Center DIW and Humboldt University Berlin.Stephan SievertStephan Sievert works at the Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs. He was a guest researcher at DIW Berlin when this paper was written.
- You have accessRestricted accessThere’s Always Room for ImprovementThe Persistent Benefits of a Large‐Scale Teacher Evaluation SystemView ORCID ProfileSimon Briole and View ORCID ProfileEric MaurinJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 59 (4) 1150-1179; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1220-11370R1Simon BrioleSimon Briole is at Paris School of Economics.Eric MaurinEric Maurin is at Paris School of Economics.
- You have accessRestricted accessAre Two Teachers Better Than One?The Effect of Coteaching on Students with and without DisabilitiesView ORCID ProfileNathan Jones and View ORCID ProfileMarcus A. WintersJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 59 (4) 1180-1206; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0420-10834R3Nathan JonesNathan Jones is an associate professor of special education at the Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development.Marcus A. WintersMarcus A. Winters is a professor and chair of the Educational Leadership & Policy Studies department at the Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. He is also faculty director of the Wheelock Educational Policy Center ().
- You have accessRestricted accessLonger Time for School: The 1981 Marriage Law and Rural Female Education in ChinaLin ZhangJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 0822-12475R5; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0822-12475R5Lin ZhangLin Zhang is an associate professor of economics at Kindai University (Email: , ).
- Open AccessSocietal Disruptions and Childhood ADHD Diagnosis during the COVID-19 PandemicView ORCID ProfileSeth Freedman, View ORCID ProfileKelli Marquardt, View ORCID ProfileDario Salcedo, View ORCID ProfileKosali Simon and View ORCID ProfileCoady WingJournal of Human Resources, April 2024, 59 (S) S187-S226; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1222-12708R2Seth FreedmanSeth Freedman is an Associate Professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, BloomingtonKelli MarquardtKelli Marquardt is an Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago .Dario SalcedoDario Salcedo is a Ph.D. Student at the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, Bloomington.Kosali SimonKosali Simon is a Distinguished Professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, Bloomington and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.Coady WingCoady Wing is an Associate Professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, Bloomington.
- Open AccessThe Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool EffectivenessA Field ExperimentView ORCID ProfileMari Rege, View ORCID ProfileIngunn Størksen, View ORCID ProfileIngeborg F. Solli, Ariel Kalil, View ORCID ProfileMegan M. McClelland, View ORCID ProfileDieuwer ten Braak, View ORCID ProfileRagnhild Lenes, Svanaug Lunde, Svanhild Breive, Martin Carlsen, Ingvald Erfjord and Per Sigurd HundelandJournal of Human Resources, March 2024, 59 (2) 576-603; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0220-10749R3Mari RegeMari Rege is a professor of economics at the University of Stavanger.Ingunn StørksenIngunn Størksen is a professor of pedagogical psychology at the University of Stavanger.Ingeborg F. SolliIngeborg F. Solli is an associate professor of economics at the University of Stavanger.Ariel KalilAriel Kalil is a professor of public policy at the University of Chicago.Megan M. McClellandMegan McClelland is the Katherine E. Smith Healthy Children and Families Professor at Oregon State University.Dieuwer ten BraakDieuwer ten Braak is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Stavanger.Ragnhild LenesRagnhild Lenes is an associate professor of education science at the University of Stavanger.Svanaug LundeSvanaug Lunde is an associate professor of education science at the University of Stavanger.Svanhild BreiveSvanhild Breive is an associate professor of mathematics education at the University of Agder.Martin CarlsenMartin Carlsen is a professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.Ingvald ErfjordIngvald Erfjord is an associate professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.Per Sigurd HundelandPer Sigurd Hundeland is an associate professor of mathematics education at University of Agder.
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Male Workers Prefer Male Leaders?An Analysis of Principals’ Effects on Teacher RetentionView ORCID ProfileAliza N. Husain, David A. Matsa and View ORCID ProfileAmalia R. MillerJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1480-1522; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.58.5.1118-9838R2Aliza N. HusainAliza N. Husain is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy in the Graduate School of Education at the University at Buffalo, SUNY ().David A. MatsaDavid A. Matsa is the Alan E. Peterson Distinguished Professor of Finance at Northwestern University and a Research Associate at the NBER ().Amalia R. MillerAmalia R. Miller is a Professor of Economics at the University of Virginia, a Research Associate at the NBER, and a Research Fellow at IZA ().
- You have accessRestricted accessSetting a Good Example?Examining Sibling Spillovers in Educational Achievement Using a Regression Discontinuity DesignView ORCID ProfileKrzysztof Karbownik and View ORCID ProfileUmut ÖzekJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1567-1607; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.58.5.0220-10740R1Krzysztof KarbownikKrzysztof Karbownik is an assistant professor of economics at Emory University ().Umut ÖzekUmut Özek is a senior economist at RAND Corporation.
- Open AccessDynamics of the Gender Gap in High Math AchievementView ORCID ProfileGlenn Ellison and View ORCID ProfileAshley SwansonJournal of Human Resources, September 2023, 58 (5) 1679-1711; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.58.5.0620-10972R1Glenn EllisonGlenn Ellison is a professor of economics at MIT.Ashley SwansonAshley Swanson () is an associate professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.