- You have accessRestricted accessImport Competition and the Gender Employment Gap in ChinaView ORCID ProfileFeicheng Wang, View ORCID ProfileKrisztina Kis‐Katos and View ORCID ProfileMinghai ZhouJournal of Human Resources, November 2024, 59 (6) 1830-1864; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1220-11399R3Feicheng WangFeicheng Wang is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen ([email protected]).Krisztina Kis‐KatosKrisztina Kis‐Katos is a professor of International Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, University of Göttingen (krisztina.kis‐katos@uni‐goettingen.de).Minghai ZhouMinghai Zhou is a ZJU 100 Young Professor at the School of Economics, Zhejiang University ([email protected]).
- You have accessRestricted accessCultural Norms and Neighborhood ExposureImpacts on the Gender Gap in MathView ORCID ProfileSanna BergvallJournal of Human Resources, November 2024, 59 (6) 1893-1936; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0920-11188R2Sanna BergvallSanna Bergvall is at University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics and Statistics, and Lund University, Centre for Economic Demography ([email protected]).
- You have accessRestricted accessBaby Bonus, Fertility, and Missing WomenWookun KimJournal of Human Resources, October 2024, 0322-12208R3; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0322-12208R3Wookun Kim§Wookun Kim is an assistant professor at the economics department, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA and a research affiliate at CESifo, Munich, Germany. This paper uses confidential data from Statistics Korea, a government agency under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of South Korea. The data access can be obtained by filing a request directly with the agency via its MicroData Integrated Service (mdis.kostat.go.kr/eng/index.do). The author is willing to assist. The other data and all the codes used in this article are available online: . This project was supported in part by the California Center for Population Research with a grant (T32HD007545; P2CHD041055) from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The content is solely my responsibility and does not represent the official views of the NICHD or the National Institutes of Health. All errors are mine. An online appendix has been included.
- You have accessRestricted accessUnintended Consequences of Immigration EnforcementHousehold Services and High‐Educated Mothers’ WorkView ORCID ProfileChloe N. East and View ORCID ProfileAndrea VelásquezJournal of Human Resources, September 2024, 59 (5) 1458-1502; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0920-11197R1Chloe N. EastChloe East is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado Denver .Andrea VelásquezAndrea Velásquez is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado Denver .
- You have accessRestricted accessSocial Norms and the Impact of Early Life Events on Gender InequalityWei Luo, Wei Huang and Albert ParkJournal of Human Resources, September 2024, 1020-11229R3; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1020-11229R3Wei Luo1 School of Economics, Jinan UniversityRoles: Assistant professorWei Huang2 China Center for Economic Research at the National School of Development, Peking University (corresponding author, email: [email protected])Roles: Associate professorAlbert Park3 Director General of the Economic Research and Development Impact Department of the Asian Development Bank, and Chair Professor of Economics, Social Science, and Public Policy at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (on leave)Roles: Chief Economist
- You have accessRestricted accessSchool Schedule and the Gender Pay GapEmma Duchini and View ORCID ProfileClémentine Van EffenterreJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 59 (4) 1052-1089; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0121-11431R2Emma DuchiniEmma Duchini is an assistant professor of economics at the University of Essex ().Clémentine Van EffenterreClémentine Van Effenterre is assistant professor of economics at the University of Toronto ().
- You have accessRestricted accessLonger Time for School: The 1981 Marriage Law and Rural Female Education in ChinaLin ZhangJournal of Human Resources, July 2024, 0822-12475R5; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0822-12475R5Lin ZhangLin Zhang is an associate professor of economics at Kindai University (Email: , ).
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- You have accessRestricted accessAccess to Colleges, Human Capital, and Empowerment of WomenView ORCID ProfileSheetal Sekhri, View ORCID ProfileMd Amzad Hossain and Pooja KhoslaJournal of Human Resources, March 2024, 59 (2) 502-544; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0620-10948R4Sheetal SekhriSheetal Sekhri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Virginia (corresponding author, ).Md Amzad HossainMd Amzad Hossain is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics at the University of Virginia and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Dhaka.Pooja KhoslaPooja Khosla is a Graduate Student in the Department of Economics at the University of Virginia.
- You have accessRestricted accessHome Location Choices and the Gender Commute GapView ORCID ProfileYizhen Gu, View ORCID ProfileNaijia Guo, View ORCID ProfileJing Wu and View ORCID ProfileBen ZouJournal of Human Resources, March 2024, 59 (2) 545-575; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1020-11263R2Yizhen GuYizhen Gu is an associate professor of economics at the HSBC Business School, Peking University ().Naijia GuoNaijia Guo is an assistant professor of economics at the Faculty of Business and Economics, the University of Hong Kong ().Jing WuJing Wu is a professor at the Department of Construction Management at Tsinghua University ().Ben ZouBen Zou is an assistant professor of economics at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University ().