- You have accessRestricted accessHours Constraints and Wage Differentials across FirmsClaudio Labanca and Dario PozzoliJournal of Human Resources, November 2023, 0822-12479R1; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0822-12479R1Claudio LabancaClaudio Labanca is a Lecturer of Economics at Monash University and a Research Affiliate at IZA ().Dario PozzoliDario Pozzoli is MSO Professor of Economics at Copenhagen Business School and a Research Fellow at IZA.
- Open AccessPrice Consciousness at the Peak of “Impatience”View ORCID ProfileMary Zaki and View ORCID ProfileJessica E. ToddJournal of Human Resources, May 2023, 58 (3) 1003-1027; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.59.1.0121-11411Mary ZakiMary Zaki is an assistant research professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland ().Jessica E. ToddJessica E. Todd is an agricultural economist at the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ().
- You have accessRestricted accessPeers and Motivation at WorkEvidence from a Firm Experiment in MalawiView ORCID ProfileLasse Brune, View ORCID ProfileEric Chyn and View ORCID ProfileJason KerwinJournal of Human Resources, July 2022, 57 (4) 1147-1177; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.57.4.0919-10416R2Lasse BruneLasse Brune is a research assistant professor at Northwestern University.Eric ChynEric Chyn is an assistant professor of economics at Dartmouth College and a faculty research fellow at NBER ().Jason KerwinJason Kerwin is an assistant professor of applied economics at the University of Minnesota and an affiliated professor at J-PAL.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Impacts of Performance Pay on Teacher Effectiveness and RetentionDoes Teacher Gender Matter?Andrew J. Hill and Daniel B. JonesJournal of Human Resources, January 2020, 55 (1) 349-385; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.55.2.0216.7719R3Andrew J. HillAndrew Hill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University (). Daniel Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh ().Daniel B. JonesAndrew Hill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University (). Daniel Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh ().
- You have accessRestricted accessDo Altruistic Mental Health Care Providers Have Better Treatment Outcomes?Rudy Douven, Minke Remmerswaal and Robin ZoutenbierJournal of Human Resources, March 2019, 54 (2) 310-341; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.54.2.0716.8070R1Rudy DouvenHealth economist at the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and Erasmus University Rotterdam.Minke RemmerswaalHealth economist at the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and a Ph.D. student at Tilburg University.Robin ZoutenbierEconomist who worked at the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis while conducting this research.
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Effect of Competition on Executive Compensation and IncentivesEvidence from a Quasi-natural ExperimentAna P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira and L. Alan WintersJournal of Human Resources, July 2018, 53 (3) 783-824; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.53.3.0215-6963R1Ana P. FernandesAna P. Fernandes is a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Priscila Ferreira is assistant professor of economics at the University of Minho (Portugal) and research fellow at NIMA. L. Alan Winters is a professor of economics at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom) and research fellow at CEPR, GDN, and IZA.Priscila FerreiraAna P. Fernandes is a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Priscila Ferreira is assistant professor of economics at the University of Minho (Portugal) and research fellow at NIMA. L. Alan Winters is a professor of economics at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom) and research fellow at CEPR, GDN, and IZA.L. Alan WintersAna P. Fernandes is a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Priscila Ferreira is assistant professor of economics at the University of Minho (Portugal) and research fellow at NIMA. L. Alan Winters is a professor of economics at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom) and research fellow at CEPR, GDN, and IZA.