- You have accessRestricted accessHealth’s KitchenTV, Edutainment, and NutritionFrancesco Principe and Vincenzo CarrieriJournal of Human Resources, November 2024, 1022-12608R2; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1022-12608R2Francesco PrincipeFrancesco Principe is assistant professor of economics at the Department of Economics, University of Bergamo, Italy. E-mail:Vincenzo CarrieriVincenzo Carrieri is full professor of economics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Calabria, Italy; RWI-Leibniz Institute for Economic Research; IZA
- You have accessRestricted access“There She Is, Your Ideal”Negative Social Comparisons and Health BehaviorsChristopher S. Carpenter and Brandyn F. ChurchillJournal of Human Resources, August 2023, 0522-12347R1; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0522-12347R1Christopher S. CarpenterCarpenter is University Distinguished Professor and E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and Research Fellow at IZA Institute for the Study of Labor; .Brandyn F. ChurchillChurchill is Assistant Professor of Resource Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst; .
- You have accessRestricted accessTelevision, Cognitive Ability, and High School CompletionØystein Hernæs, Simen Markussen and Knut RøedJournal of Human Resources, March 2019, 54 (2) 371-400; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.54.2.0316.7819R1Øystein HernæsSenior Research Fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway.Simen MarkussenSenior Research Fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research.Knut RøedSenior Research Fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research.