- You have accessRestricted accessThe effect of employment protection on firms’ worker selectionSebastian Butschek and Jan SauermannJournal of Human Resources, May 2022, 0919-10433R1; DOI: Butschek†Sebastian Butschek is post-doctoral researcher at Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck. E-mail:Jan Sauermann‡Jan Sauermann is associate professor at the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU). He is also affiliated with Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and UCLS at Uppsala University
- You have accessRestricted accessApplication and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability InsuranceMathilde Godard, Pierre Koning and Maarten LindeboomJournal of Human Resources, April 2022, 1120-11323R1; DOI: Godard*Mathilde Godard is CNRS researcher at Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University, CNRS, LEDa ().Pierre KoningPierre Koning is economics professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, IZA and TI.Maarten LindeboomMaarten Lindeboom is economics professor at the Vrije Universiteit, IZA, TI, the Centre for Health Economics and Monash University.